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Deborah Higgins, an information specialist for the Florida Department of Education, tells New Times that schools in 14 districts statewide including Broward and Palm Beach were flagged for having "extremely unusual levels of erasures" in this year's FCAT.There's no indication as to how many schools or which schools in Broward and Palm Beach have been identified as possible cheaters, as Higgins says information identifying schools or personnel will be withheld until the investigations are completed.The state contracted Caveon Test Security to do an analysis of this year's FCATs, which can identify not only tests with abnormal markings but also find patterns of similar test responses.Out of more than 4 million tests, they invalidated 6,967 of them through their analysis.That's when they flagged the 14 districts about the high levels of erasure marks.According to Florida Department of Education Deputy Commissioner Kris Ellington, the department may require that the school districts conduct an internal investigation and forward moncler women jackets those results to them.The other 12 districts asked to investigate are MiamiDade, Duval, Flagler, Gadsden, Hillsborough, Jefferson, Lee, Leon, Manatee, Orange, Polk, and Seminole.

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Jockeys made their annual visit to Alder Hey Children's Hospital to meet patients and parents this morning. They were led by 16 time champion jockey AP McCoy. He said: "Hopefully it takes the kids' minds off things a little bit and makes their day a little bit easier but I think more importantly it creates awareness of how important places like Alder Hey are..

Neiman Marcus has opened its new Cusp store in Tysons Corner Center, stocked with edgy fashions and shoes. The Collection at Chevy Chase, which had its grand opening this spring, boasts big time fashion names such as Dior and Louis Vuitton, as well as the region's first Jimmy Choo. Intermix in Georgetown opened last year, selling Chloe footwear with price tags well into the thousands of dollars..

The Contributor has no connection to nor was paid by the brand or product described in this content. Read on.2011 MTV Movie Awards List PredictionsThe MTV annual Movie Awards are held tonight. Here are my predictions as to who emerges victorious!Get Ready for the 2011 MTV Movie christian louboutin summer sandals Awards!The 2011 MTV Movie Awards are approaching rapidly.

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